It started off with a cold and snowy day and I left poor spark outside. For a little while she looked like a white horse because of all of the snow and ice that was stuck to her, so she got to go inside the barn for the night and stay out of the snow. She thought that my phone was something to eat and I got this closeup of her with snow on her face. But then the storm cleared up the next day and left us with just the cold out. The next night the temperature dropped to lows of about 30 below! When I got to there in the morning to feed the horses it was 18 below and they were quite frosty. Lady is supposed to be a bay horse but in the picture she looks white. Taito didn't look quite as bad and she just had frosty eyelashes. I feel so bad for them being out in that cold of weather, but thankfully the next day was up to 30 above again and it has steadily gotten warmer since then. :)
My boyfriend Gavin has a 7 month old Catahoula Lab mix puppy, (a 60 lb puppy I might add) and he is a goofball. Most of the time he doesn't realize just how big he really is and he usually plows you over going down the hall. Also, he eats just about anything, for instance, he chewed a big hole in my brand new comforter and ripped the cotton out of it. Also in the past week he has managed to chew some of the fur out of my sheepskin boots and chew off the ends of the two extension cords that I use to plug my truck in at night. For as much trouble as this dog gets in, he sure is cute and you can't help but love him. Lately he has been falling asleep in the strangest positions (and yes that is my couch, it's really ugly but it was cheap and its comfy:)). He is just the biggest goofball!!
For Christmas break, my boyfriend Gavin and me, and his dog Benson (he hung out in the backset the whole way), made the long trip to Utah to spend it with my family. We had a blast. Maddie is so cute and doesn't stop for one minute. Its hard to get pictures of her, and most of the time when you do get a picture it turns out blurry. We spent Christmas at my mom and dads house and we had a blast. I think Maddie had more fun playing with her cousin Johnny's toys than she did with her toys, especially the tractor. I love my family and I couldn't imagine spending Christmas any other way. Congratulations to my brother Kelly and his wife Danielle on their new baby, Johnny Lee Boyd. He was born Jan. 8, 2009, 8 lbs 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He of course waited until one day after I had left back to Wyoming so I haven't got to see him yet, but I can't wait to go home and see him! I love being an aunt!